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Winterthur: Schloss Kyburg

DAY 4 OF 19

On Day 4 of 19.....we leave Zurich and head somewhat northeast, our next destination is to be Konstanz. However, 30 minutes into the drive, I see one of them brown signs (all the countries we visited had these big brown highway signs to indicate some sort of tourist or historic site) shows a drawing of a castle, with WINTERTHUR written in big across the bottom - the first thing that crossed my mind is Game of Thrones...Winterfell - so obviously I had to get off on the next exit. The hubs is resting his eyes, and sensing that I've pulled off the highway, he looks at me with that "What the hell is she doing now?" look. I explain, "It's a town called Winter-something, we have to go to the schloss, it's like Game of Thrones!" He continues to look at me as if I'm not quite right in the head.

I type into the nearby attractions section of GPS "schloss", and we get nothing coming up. Pull into a gas station and the chick is super friendly and explains that the schloss is called Kyburg and "burg" also means castle. Ok, castle, schloss, burg....whatever, time to drive up another narrow, winding road up to the darn thing. Get to the top and find parking easily (not many tourists in this town!). The town up top is super cute, like 3 streets with gorgeous old country houses lining them.

Houses in Winterthur



For almost 1000 years Schloss Kyburg has sat enthroned high above the river Töss. It's about 9 € admission, and you get an audio guide, and off you go at your own pace. Definitely not as large and impressive as other castles, Kyburg still has a certain something to it. Beautiful sentry walks, knights halls, torture chamber (!), weapons room and wine cellar - plus the views from the tower are amazing!

Left: Schloss Kyburg | Right: Inner Courtyard, Schloss Kyburg

Top: Chapel /Inner Courtyard | Bottom: One of the dining rooms, Schloss Kyburg

Left: Weapons Room, Schloss Kyburg | Right: Iron Maiden

Gardens at Schloss Kyburg

Left: View from the Schloss | Right: Winterthur Cemetery

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